Migrate V2 Liquidity to V3


  • MetaMask wallet.

  • Some NEON for gas.

  • V2 LP tokens to migrate liquidity.


  1. Go to the Pools Page. Connect your wallet and make sure that it is on Neon chain.

  2. Click on "More" => "Migrate"

  3. You can see your own V2 LP tokens. If you don't see one of your V2 positions, click "Import it".

  4. Choose Tokens of V2 position you'd like to import. Wait for loading and click on "Migrate this pool" after that.

  5. Choose Fee tier you'd like to add V3 liquidity.

  6. Enter price range you'd like to add liquidity. Then click "Allow LP token migration" to approve the protocol to use your LP tokens.

  7. Approve Transaction Confirmation.

  8. After approving, click "Migrate" button to proceed the migration.

  9. Transaction confirmation.

Last updated